We are about to serve you some real, honest-to-goodness truth: cardios aren’t the best way to lose weight. Surprised? And how’s this for more surprise? Weight training is better and…
When it comes to food intake, there are a few things you might want to observe to stay fit. Most people are aware of eating protein and avoid fatty foods…
Exercise buffs often say “No pain, no gain” as a way to motivate themselves. The term often connotes that the rewards of regular exercise outweigh the painful process one must…
Ever wonder why there are so many fad diets? Because they are exactly what the name suggests—a fad. It’s similar to fashion. In 2017, that red dress became a staple…
Based on experience, slimming clubs really help give you the accountability of your eating habits every single week: Are you eating right? Are you eating the right portions…
One of the hardest things that you have to endure when on a journey towards fitness is to create, live and follow a healthy diet that you can sustain…
Miss Piggy vs Barbie?The Fitness Freak vs The Laziest Person In The World ?Why do we always have to compare ourselves to others when we all have different bodyshapes goals and circumstances?THE FITNESS FREAK -They are extremly toned and have a low bodyfat percnatge. However,they may not have any children and more free time on their hands. But they have built exercise into their lifestyle and made it a priority over years and years .THE LAZIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD - This person does not exercise and eats junk food all day and everyday.Maybe they are intimidated by the gym and don't feel comfortable working out infront of people.Due to never having the confidence to ask for help with their nutrition or fitness they have developed poor eating habits and a don't know where to start with exercise .Now these two groups are extremely far apart from one another and the majority of you reading this post will sit in the middle.You have started a diet and working out at least once per week which is awesome.But if your ambition is to be closer to "The Fitness Freak " look then sacrifices are needed to be made to your lifestyle in order to hit that goal .On the otherhand, if you are happy with your current fitness and bodyshape , then keep doing what you are currently doing.DO NOT be pressured into eating rabbit food and feeling like you have to workout 3,4 or 5 times per week.But , if you want to change then sacrifices are needed .
Posted by rb5 on Thursday, August 23, 2018
Imagine this …. You are constantly tired and your energy levels are extremely low and everywhere you look you have body envy. In comparison to the the…
We all know that regular exercise is an important aspect of a healthy life. So many people have been struggling with weight and have resorted to all sorts of quick…
Different folk, different results In your road to fitness, you will encounter several bumps but probably one of the biggest obstacles will be yourself. This is especially true if you…
Do not be surprised when your personal trainer will tell you “Stop looking at the scales.” When you are working out and when you are going for a certain goal,…