This might be the first time you’re restarting or the 50th, either way we’ve got your back! So you may have fallen off the wagon, again, already.  Welcome to the…

Great!  But now what…  You’ve been collecting information for weeks and reading a lot about the best ways to start working out and now you are completely overwhelmed with all…

  Hands up anyone who’s ever said this. Yep, thought so, me too!    This is exactly how most people feel when they enter a gym for the first time. …

Are you wondering how to kick start weight loss? When broken down, weight loss is simple but often over complicated. The fundamental law to remember is the following: You must…

Many people wanting to go to the gym sometimes have this notion that they are working out because they just want to get rid of fat in one part or…

You must have seen the mustard-yellow powder, right? That is turmeric and is something that has got into the mainstream food and medicine industry. This plant has been widely used…

When it comes to food intake, there are a few things you might want to observe to stay fit. Most people are aware of eating protein and avoid fatty foods…

  One of the hardest things that you have to endure when on a journey towards fitness is to create, live and follow a healthy diet that you can sustain…

We all know that regular exercise is an important aspect of a healthy life. So many people have been struggling with weight and have resorted to all sorts of quick…

Do not be surprised when your personal trainer will tell you “Stop looking at the scales.” When you are working out and when you are going for a certain goal,…

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