Table of Contents

So you’ve decided you want to get fit?




But now what… 


You’ve been collecting information for weeks and reading a lot about the best ways to start working out and now you are completely overwhelmed with all the information. 


If this sounds like you, don’t worry we understand. It can be extremely frustrating.


But not to worry, we know the top 3 three ways to get things going:


The first three things we focus on when starting out are – 

  • Exercise
  • Nutrition 
  • Mindset


Before you jump straight in, let’s look at building the foundations first.

  • Exercise

Starting to exercise more is often not a bad start! But what should we start with?

Taking your first step is literally that! Take a step, then another, and another and oh look at that we’re off for a walk.


Never underestimate the power of walking! 


It starts off as just 10 minutes, then 20 minutes, then a friend comes along and it’s 40 minutes with a stop off to get coffee and a good catch up. Before you know it you’ll have a group of friends or you’ll have joined a walking group and you’ll be on your feet for miles enjoying the great outdoors and all the while improving your lung capacity and heart health.

Now wasn’t that easy!


The time we spend out on a walk can help us see the value in spending quality time working out. Our 10 minute Hiit home workout turns into a 30 minute class at the gym. This then leads to us spending 60 minutes completing a full workout specifically designed to our needs and goals! 

  • Nutrition 

You’ll have read thousands of articles online about “the best diet” – this might be Keto, Paleo, Vegan or even the Mediterranean Diet.

But once you start researching them, you’ll come across so many conflicting ideas and claims you’re more confused than you were to begin with! 


So let’s keep things simple. Instead of thinking diet = eat and drink less, how about trying to think diet = eat and drink MORE! 


  • Eat more veggies
  • Drink more water


If we start to add to our diet rather than subtracting we accomplish multiple things – 

  • We start to create a more positive association with nutrition
  • It’s a huge mental relief from the constant restrictive talk we’re so used to hearing
  • By making a conscious effort to add healthier things to our meals, we by default start to replace the less healthy things. 


Think this seems too easy? 


We don’t want to make things too difficult for ourselves or we won’t be able to stay consistent. 

  • Mindset

This is a huge component that is often overlooked.


You can workout regularly and eat the most balanced diet but you won’t be maximizing your potential if you’re stressed out and sleep deprived! 


So let’s look at stress management. 

  • Improve you sleep
  • Track your goals
  • Remember to breathe


A good night’s sleep can make everything so much easier; consistently having poor sleep can make everything so much harder.

Two simple things to think about when trying to improve your sleep quality – 

  1. Avoid screen time within 30 minutes of bed. Turn off your tele, shut down your computer, put down your phone!
  2. Regular sleep and wake times, even (especially) on weekends. Keep your circadian rhythm consistent. 


Tracking your goals or writing down your thoughts can help you reflect on the day. Getting your thoughts down on paper, or writing a blog, can help you to get things out of your head and process them more effectively. Our brains are for creating ideas, not storing them! 


Tracking your goals can often help you see your progress. Strength training doesn’t often have obvious visual changes but watching those numbers go up on the page can really help boost your motivation. If you’re trying to gain or lose weight, you might not notice the changes day to day but keeping a record of your measurements, or even better, a weekly/monthly photo of yourself, can help you see if you’re on track and heading in the right direction. 


Close your eyes and take a deep breath. This quick pause may seem too simple but trust me, a few slow and deep breaths can help you relax and refresh. We’re not trying to clear our minds, but more create a flowing river through them; thoughts can gently wash in and drift away just as easily. 

If you’ve had a hectic day, take 5 minutes before your workout to just stop and take a breath. During your warm up let your mind drift and try not to linger on one thought for too long. 

By doing this, you’ll be able to focus better on the workout in front of you and get more out of your training.


This isn’t revolutionary stuff! It sounds so simple. Well, it is.

The hardest part about this is being CONSISTENT. 

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