Quadriceps The ‘quadriceps femoris’ (quads, quadriceps) is a large muscle group that includes the 4 muscles on the front of the thigh. It is the group of muscles that extend…

The second key area is one of the most important and is the strongest muscle group in the body “the glutes” (or bum muscles to you!). These are broken down…

Following last weeks brief introduction to Trigger Point Therapy and foam rolling, this week we will be covering each of the six main sites that impact on everyday people…just like…

Today we have our first guest blogger and personal training client of rb5 Nottingham Liz Cumberland .   Liz has overcome great adversity with mental illness which had locked her away…

Lots of our members come to us with aches and pains and we show them the wonder of the foam roller…also known as trigger point therapy.  We thought that we…

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