Why we ask you to follow the 3 key habits for weight loss results

3 litres of water per day

Digestion, absorption, circulation, saliva creation, transportation of nutrients and body temperature regulation are just some of the jobs of the bodily fluids.

Since your brain is mostly water, drinking water helps you focus more and be more alert which in turn will increase your energy levels. It also helps flush out toxins through sweat and urination. Your kidneys cleanse and rid the body of toxins as long as you fluid intake is adequate. Without enough fluid the kidneys trap extra fluid for bodily functions which can leave toxins in your body (such as blood urea nitrogen – the main toxin in the body). With too little fluid, the colon pulls water from the stools to maintain hydration – which can result in constipation. Water is essential in the digestion of food. It can also

Vegetable with every meal

As many of us will know, vegetables are packed with micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), but we not know that there are also important plant chemicals (phytochemicals) that are optimal for physiological functioning. Vegetables provide the body with an alkaline load to the blood, whereas proteins and grains present an acid load to the blood; therefore it’s important to balance the acids with alkaline-rich vegetables. Too much acid in the body can lead to a loss of bone strength and muscle mass – highlighting the importance of eating plenty of vegetables.

By eating vegetables with every meal, your body will be getting a lot more micronutrients, which help to fight cancer and cell-damaging free radicals, while balancing the body’s acidity levels.

No refined sugars

Refined sugars contain little-to-no essential nutrients but a whole bunch of calories for the body. They supply the body with a very large amount of fructose (not essential to functioning) and the only organ that can metabolize this is the liver. If the liver is full of glycogen, most of the fructose gets turned into fat (some fat gets shipped out of the liver, whilst some of it causes fat deposits in the liver). Sugar can increase triglycerides (type of fat found in the blood), increase cholesterol, decrease insulin sensitivity and increase fat in the abdominal cavity – all of which can raise your risk of heart disease and metabolic syndrome. It also leads to the body becoming insulin resistant. The main role of insulin is to drive glucose from the blood stream into cells so that it’s available to use as energy. It will not be able to do this as effectively if it has to combat high levels of glucose produced by eating too much sugar.

Instead, high glucose levels are turned into fat, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other health risks.


Some people maybe able to implement all 3 all at once, many struggle.


My suggestion would be hit the easiest one for you first and then work on the more challenging habits.


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