health vegie drinks: Workout near National Justice Museum Nottingham


Quite impossible to exactly pinpoint when, but being conscious with one’s physique has always been apparent. Although it’s only been recent that men have been “pressured” to look a certain way, women have been long familiar with this. Over the course of time, various exercises, diets, and lifestyle methods have been introduced in order to perfectly sculpt whatever body figure is in during certain periods of time.  



For an example, in 1910, curvy body type was considered perfect but 10 years later, the voluptuous body was no longer in.

Every year, it seemed like body preferences changed and women were more willing to comply with it. There was even a time, during the 1950s specifically, when “skinny” women were encouraged to take in weight-gain supplements because the hourglass figure was all the rage!



Media dictates what “The Perfect “ figure is…



With such evolutions came along various drastic changes in terms of diet and lifestyle. There were even workout videos and more importantly, fad diets that people swore were effective! In today’s trends, people are more open to body inclusivity which means that whatever your body type, as long as you’re comfortable, it’s more than welcome. Hand in hand with body positivity, are healthier options for diet, exercise and lifestyle. Among the long list of diets, juicing, detoxing, and cleansing have been the more popular ones.  




Instead of consuming carbohydrates, fats, and protein, individuals now focus more on taking in fruits and vegetables but instead of cooking or eating, these are juiced and then drunk. Hence, Juicing.



Juice drinks, especially if blended personally with fresh produce, are actually beneficial because you’re consuming everything from those ingredients including all of the micronutrients. One reason why juicing works is because, since you’re cutting away starch from your diet, it allows the body to shed water. Another reason for this diet’s effectivity is because since you’re cutting away calorie intake, you’re more likely to take in smaller portions of food.



But, if you are wanting to socialise and enjoy life such as drinking and eating the wonderfully amazing and essential food group most personal trainers don’t talk about , JUNK FOOD.



Then anything with the word “Diet” in there is a short term fix and should be avoided.



Indeed, upping one’s fruit and vegetable intake and dropping all “real” food is naturally going to allow individuals to lose weight. However, in long term situations, having calorie deficit is not going to make one look leaner nor will it allow for muscles to build and more importantly, there’s going to be a lack of energy to do things that you love.



So, in order to keep a healthy, lean figure, make sure that you do have more fruit and vegetable in your diet but don’t skip out those good quality meals which are protein dense and also, keep the fats and carbohydrates in there as well.



Remember, it’s important to keep a healthy, balanced diet. Don’t deny yourself of food including some of the rather “unhealthy” ones because this can increase stress levels. Diet-related stress can cause an individual to overeat making one more critical to the way they look and feel with their body. Thus, simply keep track of your body and food intake, eat clean and whole food rather than the processed ones and fad diet. After all, a healthy body isn’t based on how it looks but rather on how you’ve taken care of it!



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