how not to get fat during Christmas: Workout near National Justice Museum Nottingham

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, yet too many adults worry too much about the after affects in January.


Now you will be in one of the two camps


Camp 1 – You don’t care and will eat what you want in December the instantly regret it January 1st




Camp 2 – You’re so worried about gaining weight , you don’t enjoy Christmas due to the fear of gaining weight.


If you’re in any of the above camps keep reading,


Here are my tips on how you can eat as many mince pies and mint matchsticks as you want over Christmas.


Try intermittent fasting


Now for those that follow us , you will know that we are all about fuelling your body consistently throughout the day and NOT following any silly diet.


Intermittent fasting isn’t the 5:2 diet or about starving your self,


It’s about saving your daily calorie intake and planning for bigger meals during a day,


If you know you have a family lunch or evening meal then skip breakfast or have a smaller breakfast so you can enjoy everything the family feeder brings out.


Eat Your Greens First –  Rb5 Personal Training Nottingham Tips


This one will make your Mum proud of you J ,

Start with the healthiest and most fibrous foods first on your plate, Veg, meat etc this will ensure that you are still getting nutrient dense foods in your diet still.

Then just top up with whatever else takes your fancy


 Alcohol mmmmmmm wine 

Now being a personal trainer I shouldn’t be encouraging drinking however , who doesn’t love a glass of wine at Christmas (or even midweek J)

With the work parties and everything revolving around socialising alcohol is the first and biggest problem for increasing your calorie intake.

My suggestion would be , be strategic with your drink choices.

If your going to a house party drink wine, if your going out on the town for an all night bender stick to less calorie dense drinks such as a G&T or another sprit with a low calorie mixer.


Be active and don’t wait until January! 


With all of the Christmas parties and wind down mode mindset in December, people’s gym sessions drop off massively and the “I’ll start again in January sets in”.


If you can’t keep to your regular gym routine , either shorten your sessions and use a full body approach such as-

  • Skipping
  • Press Ups
  • Squats
  • Bodyweight Row


Perform each exercise for 1 minute back to back as a circuit or check out some more of our Full body workouts here

Or increase your daily activity levels, for example, hit more daily steps, take the stairs, play with the kids more etc


The most important part is to enjoy this time of year, but if you want to eat all of the mince pies at Christmas time you need to be consistent with your activity.

Low activity levels at is the number one cause of weight gain at Christmas


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