Im sorry, but “The Perfect Program” does not exist 


Many people when filled with motivation to hit a specific goal are always searching the internet or asking local personal training experts

“What is the best program i can do ?”

You need to Analyse yourself first.

How are your workouts looking right now? Are they full of hours running, high intensity/strength sessions or do you spend hours at a range of different classes per week?

I’m sure at some point in life you’ve asked yourself the question of


“What is the perfect program for me to achieve my goals?”

If you speak to a range of trainers, you’ve probably heard a whole bunch of information a lot of which contradicts each other. You see some trainers will have a specific way whilst other will prefer to teach in a different style. Everybody is different and will respond to a training stimulus in a different way, but the key to achieving your goals is consistency with exercise/demands.


The question you’ve got to ask yourself when it comes to your training is

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“Does it work for me?”


The type of exercise will totally depend on your goal

  • A defined body means you must lift weights and build muscle(even Ladies)
  • To run a marathon you must run
  • To lose weight you must train with intensity.

You see there is no point following a tedious program that you cannot find any enjoyment out of, even if it helps to achieve your goal. For instance, if your goal is to run a marathon but you dislike running (believe me I’ve met a fair few marathon runners that feel this way), you have to run – its simple.

Action Points!

If you have changed your training program recently and you have started to crave certain things that used to be included in your workouts.

My suggestion would be to keep the goal the priority (if this is what you really want)

But do something that you really enjoy too as it has to be fun.

Here is an example

If you’re training 3-4 times per week, use 1 of the sessions to do whatever you love to do – Dance, run, stand on your head, swim, walk.

You see the more you enjoy training, the more you keep on going!

The more you keep going the more the results will be long lasting.

If you would like to receive 14 daily tips with recipes, training tips and organisational tricks sign up to our FREE 14 Day Challenge.


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